Africa Orphanage Support FAQ

Why an orphanage in Uganda?
While founder Brian Matthews was in Uganda in 2016 supporting his friend with an adoption, he saw first-hand the need for help in Uganda and recognized his ability to make a difference in the lives of millions of orphans, who lost parents and family due to wars and disease. Our goal is to increase the median age of 15.4 and help the Ugandans create a brighter future for themselves by creating a sustainable, farm-based environment with a mother and father who care for these children as their own. We see great potential there, including fertile land, affordable modern technology that will allow clean water to become more accessible, and people who want to learn self-reliance and improve their lives.
The common solution for a problem like Uganda’s is to build orphanages, but most of the children in a typical orphanage are raised in a barracks environment with 30-40 children all sleeping in bunkbeds in one large room. These children often receive only two meals per day, have one adult to care for them, and very few personal possessions. When educated, they attend schools with no desks, books, or basic supplies. These conditions lead to lower IQ scores than children who live in a family environment. We are not a typical orphanage.  We are providing a community and family for orphans so they will feel love and care, and become self-reliant and productive as an adult.

Hands for an African Child has chosen a tried, proven approach to solve these problems. Our approach is modeled after a successful family centered orphanage that has been operating successfully for over 25 years in Uganda. At this orphanage, children live in family units with a mother and a father. Each family lives on a tract of 3-5 acres and is 80-100% self-sufficient in food and receives clean water, education, and healthcare in the village centered living environment.

We know that this cutting-edge method of raising orphans will create the opportunity for them to become healthy, self-reliant adults. Our goal is to construct fourteen of these family units in a Children’s Village. They will support themselves through family farming, sharing orchards, and raising pigs, cattle, and chickens to sell and provide income for the school and health center & dental clinic. In this environment, children will learn religious and moral values that will lead to healthier children with improved IQ scores and higher self-esteem.
Is anyone in your organization paid?
Our team is made up completely of volunteers. We use 100% of the donations to help those in Africa.

If you have any other questions, we would love to talk with you more!
Contact us here.
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