Help African Orphans

Ugandan child in a hat


African Orphanage Support
Hands for an African Child approaches caring for children without parents in a completely different way than the traditional Africa orphanage model. We know that a family centered environment with the opportunity to live in a self-sustaining community will lead children to develop into self-reliant adults with improved IQ scores, and higher self-esteem. If you’ve been thinking “Where should I donate money to help children in need" our charity is one that will truly help Uganda!
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Why Are There So Many Orphans in Africa?
There are a variety of reasons that over 2 million Ugandan children have become orphans in the last decade, including:
  • HIV/AIDS: HIV & AIDS has taken at least one parent from about half the orphans in Africa. It affects more women than men, and many mothers have passed away from the disease, leaving children, including those who are HIV positive, without parents. 
  • financial difficulties
  • abandonment by child mothers after rape or forced marriages
  • wars in which many children lost parents and family members to violence
  • typhoid & malaria
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How We Help Orphans in Africa
The Children’s Village created by donations to Hands of an African Child provides the basic necessities of shelter, food, and clean water, things that so many orphans and poor children are lacking. Additionally, we provide basic medical and dental care at our health clinic, education in a school setting and through outreach programs, and the opportunity to become self-reliant adults who can provide for their family, breaking the cycle of poverty that is prevalent in Uganda. We know that there are many different medical, dental, and education charities who give to Africa, but our global charity is doing it in a way that will allow us to change the future of the entire country.

We would love to have you join us! When you choose to donate money to Uganda, Africa, you will be donating to one of the best and most effective charities you can donate to. If you have any questions at all about our organization, please
reach out.
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