Our Projects

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Providing Loving Family Homes for  Orphaned Children
The goal of Hands of an African Child is to create a community of family homes for orphaned children. To teach these children to be  self-reliant adults, breaking the cycle of poverty that is so common for orphaned children in Africa.

This approach is tried and proven to work. Instead of the common orphanage solution, we know that children thrive when they live in a loving family with a mother and a father. Each family lives in a 3,000 square foot, 6-bedroom, 3-bathroom home.  Children are loved, fed wholesome meals, drink clean water, receive an education, provided health care and learn of God's love for them.

There are multiple projects, both completed and in progress within our organization, that help Uganda and orphans in Africa. When you give to
Africa you will help us continue to grow in the support we provide these orphaned children.


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Children's Village
Our 125-acre community is located near Bukomero in Central Uganda. We are striving to change the current methods used for orphan care to a family model, where orphans will live in family homes with loving mothers and fathers.

The community will have 14 foster family homes with 16 orphaned children living in each home.The families will largely support themselves through farming.  There will also be  orchards as well as farm animals (pigs, cattle and chickens). The money earned through the community farm will also help cover some of expenses for our elementary school, high school and health clinic.
Community Center
Each Children’s Village will have a Community Center. This building will be used by our schools for assemblies, for community gatherings, for parent training meetings.  It will have a library, which will be a resource for teaching English to those surrounding our community.  Additionally it will be used for outreach to the surrounding communities for: training to improve family farm production, methods for elimination of water borne disease, Days for Girls information, improving sanitation practices, HIV/AIDS information, green energy technology, health and wellness programs, and medical/dental missions. Working with other like-minded organizations and non-profits we will help improve the lives and well-being of those living in a 1 hour radius of our community.  Additionally this building will be used for worship services.

The environment is important to us, which means that we focus on efficiently using local resources that are available. This community center will be built with dura brick, also known as stabilized soil bricks. The bricks are made with cement, sand, and local dirt and don't need to be "fired".  This eliminates the pollution that comes from burning wood with the traditional brick making methods. The dirt needed for the bricks for this structure will leave a hole in the ground that is big enough to build a 16,000 gallon water storage tank. The rain will run off the roof of the building and collect in the tank and primarily be used to irrigate the crops.

We will welcome others  to the community center to help provide social opportunities and education opportunities for everyone. 
Nuri Primary School
Preparations have begun for the Nuri Primary school.  Funded by the Hirani Family Foundation, this school will be educating 200 children.  These children will be from our community as well as some of the impoverished children living in the area. 
GenWell Community Center Pad
The GenWell Foundation is funding this 3,200 square foot building.  It will have a library, preschool and assembly hall.  It will be used by the schools and for community activities.


There are so many different things that will help us in our quest to provide a family for these children in need and our charity is doing great work. Even a little donation makes a huge difference! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and you can always donate to Africa here.
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